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Mon – Thurs 9:30AM  –  6:00PM
Friday 9:30AM  –  8:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM  –  5:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM  –  3:00PM

About The Larder

The Larder opened its doors over 37 years ago in a Doylestown shop after Emily Jefferson and her husband were doing their shopping in a New Jersey grocery store.  As they were discussing different business opportunities, they found themselves in the bulk foods aisle imagining it as a stand-alone store, and the Larder was conceived.  The name came to them immediately, and so they did their research, made a business plan, and talked to the bank about an SBA loan, and 37 years later the Larder continues to provide the Central Bucks area with baking goods, coffee, jellies and jams, and all the things which keep your home eating well. 


Why “The Larder”?

Our name, “The Larder”, is a common European term, which refers to the place a family keeps their food supplies.  It literally means “a Family Food Supply” and is why our store’s tag line is “Your Family Food Supplier”.  Contrary to popular belief, buying in bulk doesn’t always mean large quantities, but rather, it’s how we sell our goods.   At The Larder you can buy a 50 lb bag of flour or an ounce and a half of cous cous, depending on what you need.  Buying in bulk helps reduce waste, keeps excess packaging to a minimum, and helps the family keep their grocery budget in check.  How many times have you gone through your pantry and disposed of baking mixes which had expired, thrown out chocolate bits which dried up and can’t be used any more, or lived with an overcrowded shelf because you needed an ingredient for a once-in-a-generation recipe, and now have several ingredients left which you’ll probably never use again?  At The Larder, we help you eliminate these problems. 

Of course we carry packaged items as well.  Be sure to browse our jellies and jams, soup starters and baking mixes, loose teas and tea bags.  Much of our inventory comes from local sources and is not available in the larger stores.  We’re also developing our environmentally friendly section of cleaning products and detergents as well.  While we’ll try to keep the website as current as possible, we carry thousands of products, and often the best way to get what you need is to stop in and pay us a visit.